Millcreek Generation Facility

At A Glance
Energy Services
St. George, Utah
Year of Startup:
Dry Natural Gas
Fuel Gas Booster
Unit Description:
2 Ariel JGC/2
Located in Washington County, St. George, Utah, is currently ranked as the second fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States.
Due to this growing population, St. George officials set out to increase electrical power for the county’s 120,000 plus residents. This lead to the creation of the Millcreek Generation Facility, which began operation in May of 2006.
The first phase of this natural gas-fired generation facility was responsible for generating 40 megawatts of additional electrical power, primarily for use in meeting the summer electricity demand for the county’s residents. Phase II of the Millcreek Generation Facility was constructed two years later, doubling the capacity from 40 megawatts to 80 megawatts.
UE Compression packaged two Ariel JGC/2 reciprocating compressors, which work as fuel gas boosters to feed a GE turbine. Because the expansion was built as a peaker power plant, the units run intermittently through the summer months. These compressors hold 885 rpm of constant speed, with 1400 hp induction motors. Only one compressor is needed to feed the turbine, and the other is used as a backup.
As the St. George area continues to grow and with the additional need during summer months to cool down businesses and residences, the gas-driven Millcreek Generation Facility is able to handle those demands and create a smaller carbon footprint through efficient energy usage.